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Украшения, меха и красивая женщина

модель: Щербакова Марина, визажист и прическа: Ермолаева Ольга, украшения: http://www.nakrylov.ru/ come back, my darling one I'm calling on you the road ahead is long and I must warn you I wonder where did she go? if I failed you I tell you right now all I want you to know; I love you all I need is the time to show you come back, my fallen son don't let them fool you cos when the day is done the'll never move you lat down you senseless pride got more than you put out your mournful tones I tell you right now all I want you to know; I love you all I need is the time to show you how I feel come back, my analogue I hardly knew ya the high end slopping off a thing of beauty take hold, my little ones my minor key sonatas show forth your looping grace no one here can take your place
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Украшения, меха и красивая женщина (черно-белая версия)
Украшения, меха и красивая женщина
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